Building A Business Is Not Easy!

Living The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

Freedom| Wealth |Impact


Hey There, My Friend! I'm Deona Thomas, the Mentor for Entrepreneurial Women. 

I know you have a lot on your plate right now. 

Trying to make some extra money in your business.

Partners, children, and friends you don't see enough. A waning social life. 

That pile of work on your desk and at the side of your bed. Not to mention the pile of laundry that's waiting for you.

All the while, wondering, "What's for dinner?"

Well, Ms. Business Owner. I'm so glad you're here, because I'd like to help you sort a few things out. Take it from me that continuing to cross off your long list of to-do's and "grinding it out" will never lead you to that life you've been dreaming of.

Trust me, I know. I've lived the life you are living right now.

It took me years to learn how to balance work and life, run my businesses like an Empowered Entrepreneur, and create memorable moments with my family of 5 to our favorite places, like Martha's Vineyard, LA, Arizona, NYC, London, Paris and Italy.

And guess what? My businesses run while I'm away. Because I have confidence in my cash flow, my team and my business systems.

So here is my promise to you.

If you're stuck in an entrepreneurial rut and struggling to make ends-meet, all while wondering if this entrepreneurial choice was worthwhile at all, let me tell you that - if you persist - it will all be worth it.

Any woman can learn to build a business with a success mindset, the right tools, and powerful strategies.

Why You Should Learn from My Mistakes and Successes

When I was little, my dad never asked me where I wanted to work when I grew up.

He asked me what kind of business I wanted to start.

My siblings and I were steeped in entrepreneurship like the English are steeped in tea: from birth.

Roll back to 2008.  My husband, Steve and I were building a restaurant empire, with six locations in the Chicagoland area, growing a thriving real estate management company, and raising 3 amazing daughters. But my workload never seemed to end and all I ever focused on was my long list of to-do's, leaving me frustrated and far from fulfilled. This - I knew - was not sustainable and not how I wanted to live my life!

I finally figured it out. 

That's when I began mastering the core foundation of a well-balanced entrepreneurial career and discovered these fundamental truths:

  1. Focus on faith, family and creating memorable moments.
  2. Up-skill Yourself to:  
    • Think Strategically 
    • Create A High-Performance Team 
    • Protect Your Cash
    • Execute to Get Things Done
    • Own Your Power as a Leader 
  1. Build True Wealth by investing in people, great systems, and your own personal growth.
  2. Surround yourself with mentors who have walked the path before you.

And money? That, my friend, is the easy part.

As the President of a growing property management company, I manage my own portfolio of properties as well as the portfolios of exclusive owners. Steve owns a construction company.  With our incredible team, we are rebuilding the City of Chicago, one property, one community at a time! 

Because I have learned how to successfully build a thriving business, live the entrepreneurial lifestyle AND raise my family, my passion is now teaching other women business owners how to do the same.  The entrepreneurial lifestyle can be isolating and frustrating.  You doubt yourself and your skills constantly because let’s face it, most small business owners weren’t trained to be entrepreneurs.  But I have learned over the years that with the proper mindset, 5 skills and strategies, being an entrepreneur can be extremely fulfilling and financially rewarding if you have the right success tool-kit.


Living The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

Freedom| Wealth |Impact